Chirurgia Generale eBooks

eBooks Chirurgia generale
EBOOK   9781455753987

Atlas of Advanced Operative Surgery E-BookExpert Consult - Online and Print. E-book. Formato EPUB Vijay P. Khatri   -  Saunders, 2012  - 

Advance your surgical expertise with Atlas of Advanced Operative Surgery! This new resource picks up where other surgical references leave off, providing highly visual, step-by-step guidance on more than 100 advanced and complex procedures in both general and subspecialty areas. Visualize every procedure thanks to more than 1,000 illustrations, most in full color - including intraoperative photos, beautifully illustrated color drawings that highlight the relevant anatomy and techniques in specific surgeries, and radiologic images that help you identify variations in anatomy prior to surgery. Grasp each procedure and review key steps quickly with a consistent, highly focused, bulleted format. See the advantages and disadvantages of variations in technique with a Pro/Con section written by expert surgeons. Focus on the advanced practice skills that are of particular value to those poised to begin practice, as well as surgeons who are already in practice. Benefit from the masterful guidance of Dr. Vijay Khatri, a respected expert and experienced mentor of trainees, junior faculty, and community surgeons. Learn new procedures or refresh your memory on operative details prior to surgery with an easy-to-follow, step-by-step format: pre-operative preparation, operative technique, position, incision, main dissection, closure, alternative technical approaches (with pros/cons), and post-operative care.

€ 248.48
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EBOOK   9788867972371

Le complicanze nella chirurgia urologica. Diagnosi, terapia e prevenzione. E-book. Formato EPUB Pier Francesco Bassi    -  Goware, 2014  - 

Una rapida occhiata ai testi disponibili sul mercato mostra chiaramente che abbondano i testi di tecnica chirurgica urologica, mentre c’è una sostanziale carenza di testi che trattano il tema delle complicanze nella chirurgia urologica, oggetto di questo ampio e approfondito manuale. Fino a oggi, infatti, è stata la tradizione orale a trasmettere le conoscenze e le esperienze su questo importante tema. In particolare, il decorso postoperatorio in tutta la sua complessità non trova una trattazione specifica e analitica, sebbene ogni professionista sia consapevole che qualsiasi intervento chirurgico deve tenere in considerazione le possibili complicanze in modo da attuare tutte le strategie necessarie a tutelare il paziente. Proprio per queste ragioni il contenuto di questo trattato si focalizza non solo sulla descrizione delle possibili complicanze postoperatorie dopo i più comuni interventi urologici, ma anche su diagnosi, trattamento e possibili strategie preventive delle stesse. L’opera si avvale della lunga e vasta esperienza di un ampio gruppo di medici, urologi e anestesisti, afferenti alla Scuola Urologica di Padova. Il volume – strutturato in una sezione generale di introduzione alla gestione perioperatoria e in due sezioni sulla gestione delle complicanze postoperatorie mediche e chirurgiche connesse agli interventi urologici – è rivolto a tutti gli urologi e in modo particolare ai più giovani e agli specializzandi.

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EBOOK   9780702051234

Kirk's General Surgical Operations E-BookKirk's General Surgical Operations E-Book. E-book. Formato EPUB Richard Novell   -  Churchill Livingstone, 2013  - 

General Surgical Operations is a highly-praised and comprehensive textbook of operative surgery. It is a practical manual aimed at the surgeon who is about to carry out an operation, rather than just a description of the principles suitable for an examiner. Kirk’s General Surgical Operations continues to be aimed at a broad readership: the candidate preparing for the Intercollegiate FRCS in General Surgery or international equivalents; the trained surgeon faced, through necessity, with undertaking an infrequently performed procedure; and the many surgeons working in hospitals throughout the world without access to specialist services. It remains above all a practical text which will guide the surgeon in training, or one unfamiliar with a procedure, on how to perform it, but more importantly on how to manage the uncertainties which so often arise This is a ‘What to do’ book. Using it the reader can aspire to gain diagnostic, decision making and operative surgical competence with confidence. The book is written in a clear and direct style and providing explicit instructions using descriptive headings for easy reference. The contents covers standard routine operations in full; non-routine and rarely performed operations are included only where appropriate and in lesser detail The text includes advice on topics such as patient selection; preparation and access to the site of operation; how to accomplish the procedure; closing and aftercare Difficulties are highlighted and advice given on how to respond to unexpected findings Each procedure is fully described thus avoiding repetitions and cutting cross-references to a minimum Regular summaries of key points in the decision making process are included. This Sixth Edition is now known as Kirk’s General Surgical Operations in recognition of its distinguished founding editor, Professor RM Kirk, who is now Editor Emeritus on the textbook. The new editorial team for the Sixth Edition comprises a colorectal surgeon, a vascular surgeon and an orthopaedic surgeon The contents have been restructured and radically revised into 42 chapters, the majority of which have been completely rewritten. Laparoscopic techniques have been incorporated into all relevant chapters. All the illustrations have been redrawn to improve their clarity.

€ 176.48
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